The most serious divisions a church can have are those involving doctrine. One of the things that keep many people away from Christ, away from the Bible, and away from salvation is doctrinal disagreement with the gospel. The word divisions translates the Greek schismata, from which we get schism. In the physical sense the meaning is “to tear or rip,” that is, to separate, as in Matthew 9:16 (“tear”).
Metaphorically it means to have a difference of opinion, a division of judgment, a dissension. Once when Jesus was preaching in Jerusalem the people listening to Him could not agree on who He was. Some thought He was the great prophet, some that He was the Christ, and some that He was just an ordinary man making extraordinary claims. Consequently, John reports, “There arose a division [schisma] in the multitude because of Him” (John 7:43). Still today there are divisions because of disagreements as to who Christ is, even among those who go by His name. It is in the area of biblical interpretation that the conflict between evangelical theology and liberal theology becomes sharper. Simultaneously there is a profound disagreement with liberal theologians over their low view of biblical authority.
Sometimes people go to the extreme of trying to suppress all disagreement. It is, however, obvious from his writings that the apostle Paul was concerned about the specifics of truth and settling disagreements. Thus, it is important to have good, healthy, positive arguments and discussions about issues that divide Christians.
However, we should seek to avoid an argumentative spirit. In fact, Paul continues by ordering, “Do not be proud.… Do not be conceited.” It is arrogance that creates a contentious spirit and prevents healthy discussion of issues. We must all continue to struggle. We must never assume that we have arrived. Yet there is no virtue in sheer skepticism. We look with a jaundiced eye at those who are always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth. God is delighted with men and women of conviction. Of course he is concerned that our convictions be according to truth.
We should pay careful attention to what we believe about God, and to how we represent Him to others. We need to make sure that our doctrines are true and accurate. How can we be sure? By examining them in light of the Bible, to see whether they square with what God has told us about Himself (compare Acts 17:11). And then we need to stay humble about areas where there is disagreement among those whose commitment to scriptural authority is equally strong. Have you ever held a conviction that led you into an argument with someone else, only to find upon reflection that the other person was right and you were wrong? Such embarrassing events in our lives remind us that no one “has it all.” We very much need one another. Display the humble spirit of admitting error, and through forgiveness strive for harmony in your relationships.

Sometimes people go to the extreme of trying to suppress all disagreement. It is, however, obvious from his writings that the apostle Paul was concerned about the specifics of truth and settling disagreements. Thus, it is important to have good, healthy, positive arguments and discussions about issues that divide Christians.

We should pay careful attention to what we believe about God, and to how we represent Him to others. We need to make sure that our doctrines are true and accurate. How can we be sure? By examining them in light of the Bible, to see whether they square with what God has told us about Himself (compare Acts 17:11). And then we need to stay humble about areas where there is disagreement among those whose commitment to scriptural authority is equally strong. Have you ever held a conviction that led you into an argument with someone else, only to find upon reflection that the other person was right and you were wrong? Such embarrassing events in our lives remind us that no one “has it all.” We very much need one another. Display the humble spirit of admitting error, and through forgiveness strive for harmony in your relationships.
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