Speaking of Creeping Around
Jack Hyles, considered by many to be an authority on preaching, gives the following advice to his fellow-ministers 'Many of us in our preaching will make such statements
as, 'Now, in conclusion'; 'Finally, may I say'; 'My last point is . . .'. These statements are sometimes dangerous. The sinner knows five minutes before you finish; hence he digs in and prepares himself for the invitation so that he does not respond. However, if your closing is abrupt and a lost person does not suspect that you are about finished, you have crept up on him and he will not have time to prepare himself for the invitation. Many people may be reached, using this method,'
For the full article on "Decisional Regeneration", which this was taken, from go here.

For the full article on "Decisional Regeneration", which this was taken, from go here.
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