Politics is power!!
"So men have always reformed, cutting out the grosser immoralities and participating more actively in the work of the church. The social sins which are society’s sickness continue (Jer. 5:23–29), and the clergy have come to terms with them to everyone’s satisfaction." -John Bright, The Kingdom of God (Nashville 1953) 107.
Carson, D. (2000, c1984). Biblical interpretation and the church : Text and context (205). Exeter: Paternoster Press.
Blaise Pascal, Pensées, acutely observes that power creates opinion and consequently rules the world (nos. 235–242). See also Michael Novak, Theology 77, who claims that the social order rests upon a base of violence covert or overt. Politics is power.
Carson, D. (2000, c1984). Biblical interpretation and the church : Text and context (205). Exeter: Paternoster Press.
Blaise Pascal, Pensées, acutely observes that power creates opinion and consequently rules the world (nos. 235–242). See also Michael Novak, Theology 77, who claims that the social order rests upon a base of violence covert or overt. Politics is power.
Labels: Disobedience